

that's how it feels now. it won't in a while, but it does now.

God, I give You my pain: take it, heal it, and walk with me. Take the torrent inside my heart and calm it; provide me with the peace of knowing that we are in Your hands, and rebuild what is now cracked.

Don't let this stop me from being Your servant/son and crying out Your glory.


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creatures here below
Praise Him, above the heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

The Author of Creation and Root of all good; the Redeemer who breaks the kingdom of the world; the Healer who lifts my head and will not suffer me to lose sight of Him.

Whatever feeble shell of honor I can give You, take it and perfect it; make it complete and wear it in the full sight of the Throne.

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