
This Week

on tap for this week:

- manifolds 1 (hopefully get the hang of it this semester) [M]
- quantum 1 [T]
- e/m 2 [Th]
- statmech 1 [F]
- giving a lecture on effective field theory for our 'lil "pedestrian journal club" [F]

- dad's coming up to chill/get away from the estrogen [T]
- ?

current reading list:
- cervantes.don quixote
- dostoevsky.crime and punishment
- girard.I see satan fall like lightning
- peterson.Christ plays in ten thousand places
I think I just need to pick one and finish. alas.


And off of the block
I was headstrong and proud
At the front of the line
For the card-carrying, highbrowed
With both eyes fastened tight
Yet unscarred from the fight
Running at full tilt
My sword pulled from its hilt
It's funny how these days can slip away
- Our frail deeds
The last will wave goodbye
It's funny how the hope will bleed away
- The citadels
We build and fortify

Night came and I broke my stride
I swallowed hard but never cried
When grace was easy to forget
I denounced the hypocrites
Casting first stones
Killing my own
Then You would unscale my blind eyes
And I stood battered but more wise
Fighting to accelerate
Shaking free from crippling weight
With resilience unsurpassed
I clawed my way to You at last
Hands on my knees
I wept at Your feet
I finally believed
That You still loved me
Five Iron Frenzy, On Distant Shores

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