
It's been a while

it's been far too long since I've last written on this blog, but I think that's a good thing. I think the biggest reason why I haven't put anything here lately has been withdrawal from the frustration/anger about politics that characterized so much of my last few months at UPS. when you write in a semi-public place like a blog, I think you're accountable to what you write and the effects it has on the readers you know and love. coming out of UPS, I held that most of what I would write would end up producing a negative effect for myself (providing means for merely venting meaningless political frustration) and for people around me (by dragging them down to the level of my anger). that was unacceptable.

random interlude: I'm not sure how universal the principle is, but the notion of venting as a healthy means of expunging anger is, if taken entirely unto itself, complete bullshit/skubala. venting is only useful/good when it is directed towards Reality, meaning when it is taken as a step towards actually dealing with the matter and the people involved. venting without reconciliatory motion only propagates entrenched pride and alienation. it also has the peculiar habit of invoking the victimage mechanism and thus is fully a member in the KoW.. the healthy ability that venting allows is the potential for humble dialogue, not the fulfillment of narcissistic [insert blank here depending on the particular psychological state concerned]. unsurprisingly, it follows that venting is a human mechanism redeemed by and fulfulled in the Incarnation.

I suppose that in the context of the first paragraph, the interlude isn't too random.

I want my writing here to be part of the moving-towards-reconciliation characteristic of Real interaction with Christ, realizing that it will be filled with my pride, my offense-taking, my unjust anger, my inability to communicate, and all the other things that, by all rights, should incapciate Jesus from doing anything useful/meaningful with my work. amazing what's possible with omnipotence.

and so, over the next several posts, I want to write on the following:
- full processing of UPS
- full processing of my relationship with Rachel
- account of this past summer (:D)
- observations on the recognition of evil
- lessons from Hitler

additionally, exciting times are afoot. scary and humbling as all get out, but because of the amazing potential therein. lots of joy & lots of prayer.


Christ, I submit to You. Make that submission reality.


"All poetry and music, and art of every true sort, bears witness to man's continual falling in love with beauty, and his desparate attempt to induce beauty to live with him and enrich his common life."
- J.B. Phillips

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