
two hymns

come, ye sinners

come, ye sinners, poor and wretched
weak and wounded, sick and sore
Jesus, ready, stands to save you
full of pity; joined with power
He is able, He is able
He is willing; doubt no more

come ye needy, come, and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify
true belief and true repentance
every grace that brings you nigh
without money, without money
come to Jesus Christ and buy

come, ye weary, heavy laden
bruised and broken by the fall
if you tarry 'til you're better
you will never come at all
not the righteous, not the righteous
sinners Jesus came to call

let not conscience make you linger
nor of fitness fondly dream
all the fitness He requires
is to feel your need of Him
this He gives you, this He gives you
'tis the Spirit's rising beam

lo! the Incarnate God, ascended
pleads the merit of His blood
venture on Him; venture wholly
let no other trust intrude
none but Jesus, none but Jesus
can do helpless sinners good


love constraining to obedience

to see the Law by Christ fulfilled
to hear His pardoning voice
changes a slave into a child
and duty into choice

no strength of nature can suffice
to serve the Lord aright
and what she has, she misapplies
for want of clearer light

how long beneath the Law I lay
in bondage and distress
I toiled the precept to obey
but toiled without success

then to abstain from outward sin
was more than I could do
now if I feel its power within
I feel I hate it too

then all my servile works were done
a righteousness to raise
now, freely chosen in the Son
I freely choose His ways



what magnificent detail and simplicity!

constraining to obedience" (not constraining, but constraining to, *to* the object)
"love constrain
ING to obedience" (present and ongoing tense!)
love constraining to obedience" (the truth Jesus revealed: that love and obedience are the same)
love constraining to obedience" (love does involve setting aside will in favour of Christ's)
"love constraining
to obedience" (the object is obedience!)


free choice! and in that freedom, freedom from that imitation of Truth (conscience; idolatry) and Life in the love the Real Truth joyfully offers.

free choice! truly free and truly chosen! not governed by apologetics or data, which only obscure the fact - bright and pure - that the choice is
chosen, not merely deduced.

free choice! do not suffer our attempts to convince ourselves and others that our response to Jesus is anything but free choice made possible by Your Sovereignty.


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