
when people say 'persistence,' they mean 'bryan johnson.'

dear reader, perhaps you are already acquainted with the truth and overwhelming reality of this statement. but perhaps you are not. and so the thought likely comes: 'from whence came such a claim!' ai! experience teaches much, and here we find a clinic rich in depth and meaning. what words can I use, what flourish and rhetoric employ to capture what can only beheld through direct communication. oh skeptical reader, I implore you to seek and find and thereby imitate. your hesitancy is naturally borne of ignorance that cannot be quenched by mere thought: you must encounter and imitate bryan johnson, understanding through volition. and there you will stand, unable to do any other!

my soul is still shaking from this most recent lesson. groggy and confused, it stirs like my flesh towards my cell phone; appalled and ignorant, it is confronted by the full force of persistence and 'lo it recoils! 'precious rest' it cries to no avail. battered and love-abused, it concedes like that corrupt judge and only then (in that choice!) finds what it senselessly beholds. the phone opens and strange words follow, speaking of celebration, happiness, and birthdays. what madness is this, that couples love to stubborness so strongly that the distinction disappears?

it is the madness of bryan johnson, revealed time and time again to all those humble enough to draw near and suffer at his hand. ah, but my reader, you must understand, you must surely understand! this suffering is a joyful burden like few others. take it on with willing heart and explore its depths.


ha! love ya bro.


and now for some don mcintyre, who we love and miss dearly, eagerly awaiting his return from the sovereign state of california.

I am the fisherman
the simple fisherman
very busy with my task
and my meager wage
I am a practical man
I don't chase rainbows
because I'm not very fit
for a man my age
did He know what He was saying?
the words don't sit comfortably
He said "follow Me."

I am the leprous man
filled with leprosy
I see how ugly I am
in every face I see
and I pray to know for just one moment
what it's like to feel
someone in love with me
and I'm so weary, weary
of the horror that's in everyone's eyes

"be cleansed" He said with power
"be cleansed" His glory shone
His eyes pierced through like sunshine piercing through the sea
my soul has been on fire
my world turned upside-down
ever since He spoke those words to me

I am the woman at the well
I wait religiously
for Messiah to bring me paradise
but it's taking so long
so I sell my loyalty
to any rich fool
who can pay the price
and I'm so thirsty, thirsty
for some water that will satisfy

"I AM" He said with power
"I AM" His glory shone
His eyes pierced through like sunshine piercing through the sea
my soul has been on fire
my world turned upside-down
ever since Messiah came to me

'I am wealthy'
'I have demons'
'I am paralyzed'
'I am sitting in a tax booth stealing from my own people'
'He delivers, He is healing'
'giving back my eyes'
'saying, "sell everything you have"'
'and "come and follow me!"'

I am the pharisee
I know my Bible
I'm working hard for God
and I'm not quite done
I've got questions for Him
maybe He will stumble
then we'll really see
just who's the righteous one
I've got plans to attend to
Who is this Who calls Himself a King?

"beware" He spoke with power
"beware" His glory shone
His eyes pierced through like sunshine piercing through the sea
my soul has been on fire
my world turned upside-down
ever since He spoke those words to me

I am the crippled man
my legs are worthless
what good is it
for me to be alive?
I tried to matter in this world
but it's all so pointless
Who is this Man
Who says to me, 'arise?'


on a total side note, life is assuredly getting more interesting. in a good way. yuppers.

okay, back to work.

to the God Who brings True Life in the form not of a concept or idol but Himself as both Truth and Life, we glory in Your present redemption.

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