
a few brief thoughts

1. poisoned/diseased thinking is a dangerous spectacle. it willfully nods to evil while maintaining the appearance of sanity and reasonable inquiry.
2. on the va. tech shootings: "I don't even know what I would do in that situation" is a sure marker of cowardice. if you don't cultivate your response (protection, love, self-sacrifice) in the present, do not be surprised if you cower before such hate in the future.
3. death is something we experience every day; but there is altogether too much death and too little dying. for the act of bearing a cross is assuredly described in the present tense for a reason.

4. mercy and forgiveness is usually something that is given when the offender comes before the offended. so what are the mechanics of mercy when the offender is clueless? 'bring up the offense' you might say; but what if that act must be delayed out of prudence and love?
5. perpetual service is a subtle and deceptive sin. it fosters a sense of injustice and resentment while treating the God who can accomplish His own service with childish contempt. as if He needed us! joyfully, it is a sin that is easily turned to the redeemed thing it should be.. if only one has the courage to treat it as severely as it deserves. for the condition here is blindness amid the claim of sight; both must be shattered, not merely noted with delicate words.
6. the severity and ferocity of God must be paid heed; we ignore them at our peril. if we are to carry His death and life within us, His love must burn as bright within our eyes as His untamed severity.
7. a truly sick foolishness: to absolutely deny the Absolute but retain morality. and thus the utter vacuity of the Western intelligensia.

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