
damn straight

will bunch gets it:

"Yes, they’re voicing outrage today inside the sacred sanctuary of the Temple of Objective Journalism, where the celebrants nervously fingered their rosaries rather than confront the Constitutional bonfire that was building outside.

But for eight years now, there’s been an out-of-control fire raging outside of that temple – a fire that was built upon the USA Patriot Act and Guantanamo and rendition and torture and signing statements and 16 words in a State of the Union Address. Ultimately, saving the last fabric of democracy is more important than worrying about what contrived commandments of journalism were stepped on while the blaze was finally extinguished.

I myself would call it truth-telling, and honest journalism, but now we have some who want to call it “media bias.” That’s fine with me, but understand this.

"Media bias” may have just saved America."


seriously! out with the arrogant bums who suppress truth in favour of their own vision for what's best for our country! let's save democracy by getting rid of 'em.

"paging george orwell.."


jeff goldstein has the best reaction to this nonsense:

"Objectivity suppressed in the name of the Greater Good.

Call that attitude fascist, and you’re a crazed wingnut. Because in the world of the progressives, the highest form of patriotism is a willingness to cast off bourgeois conventions (when to do so is convenient, of course — just call it “pragmatism”) if in the final analysis the Greater Good is the result.

Never mind that presuming the Greater Good is yours to define against the will of an informed electorate is anti-American (and so de facto unpatriotic). The solution to that is simply to redefine patriotism in a way that matches your agenda.

The ends justify the means. And if a democratic republic consistently proves itself incapable of doing the right thing, the right thing to do is to make sure that they no longer trip over their own persistent idiocy.

As defined by progressives.

Welcome to Hotel Orwell. Free cable — but no Fox News."

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