
some days..

are lonelier than others.



the fact of the matter is that I feel that pain, yet react either with foolish indulgence or with cowardly distraction.

a sin: to dwell in suffering via melodramatic poetics. to roll the pain around inside the heart, examining it from all angles; building up the sense of injustice or magnifying the frustration beyond its original form. the fault: idolatry, pride; the elevation of the despair's seeming solution to the status of saviour. a woman is not the solution to my heart's cry nor will she be my redeemer.
another sin: to walk away from suffering and hardship by laughter and calculated revelry. [to lay down the movement of infinity for the incomplete joy of a moment] parties, jokes and laughter are important and good; in their healthy form, they give perspective, not innoculation.
a more subtle sin: to feel pain, recognize that it's solution is beyond my hands, and then [the critical moment is here] set the matter aside (perhaps even "unto God") under the reasoning that it's outside my control.

fact: 'it is not good for man to be alone.'
consequence: frustration; tension; pain.

to rely on God in pain is a confrontation, a shooting war.

giving unconfronted pain to God is a lie.


I have seen many things. I have seen marriage in springtime and divorce amidst flowers. I have seen lovers' joy found in unknown war. I have seen love, the appearance of love, and the mockery of love - revealed in a couple within three moments. I have seen love come and give life anew; I have watched it die and poison all those near. I have seen the illusions of youthful words and the venom of aged hate. I have seen an evil man uncaring for any woman adored by many. I have seen a kind woman cry softly in the night, wishing for comfort and never finding it. I have seen the contempt of love rewarded with affection and the pursuit of love greeted with blood.

and I have seen it fade away as mist under the sun. as something that has substance only in darkness before the dawn.


what a piece of unjust shit.

seen through the eyes of an undeserving man - idolatrous and murderous - the whole matter is a spectacle. and that through a mere human's eyes.

how God's heart must break.

may my heart be broken alongside Christ's.


some days are lonelier than others. may we not run away from those days, lest our act of "trusting God" be mere emotional masturbation.

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