
*this* is what the war on terror is about

a member of Iraq's Ansar Al-Sunna terrorist group was recently interviewed on an Iraqi television network. a partial transcript follows:


’Adnan Elias: They told us to take him to the house of Habib ‘Izzat Hamu. We took him out there. We said to him: “Why did you do this and that… Why are you after us?” He answered: “It’s out of our hands. We get orders.” Then we were told to bring a knife.
Interviewer: You slaughtered him?
‘Adnan Elias: Yes, sir. Habib ‘Izzat Hamu got the knife. He slaughtered him, and when he was dead, he opened his shirt buttons and cut open his stomach.
Interviewer: Who opened him up?
‘Adnan Elias: Muhsin, sir.
Interviewer: When a doctor performs an operation he wears a surgeon’s mask over his nose and mouth.
‘Adnan Elias: No sir, he didn’t wear one.
Interviewer: He didn’t wear one?
‘Adnan Elias: No sir, he didn’t wear one. He cut open his stomach and took stuff out.
Interviewer: What did he take out?
‘Adnan Elias: I don’t know, his guts.
Interviewer: Weren’t you nauseous? Didn’t you vomit?
‘Adnan Elias: You mean Muhsin?
Interviewer: No, you.
‘Adnan Elias: I was standing a little bit aside.
Interviewer: And he didn’t vomit or get nauseous?
‘Adnan Elias: No, sir.
Interviewer: What is he, Dracula?
‘Adnan Elias: Huh?
Interviewer: Go on.
‘Adnan Elias: Yes, sir. He opened him up, took stuff out, and put TNT and explosives inside. Then he sewed up his stomach with thick thread.
Interviewer: With thread?
‘Adnan Elias: Yes. And a needle. He put the buttons back in place...
Interviewer: He buttoned him up.
‘Adnan Elias: Yes, he buttoned him up. We were told to take him in the car near the square in Tel A’far. We threw him there and placed his head back on his shoulders.
Interviewer: My God!
‘Adnan Elias: 15 to 30 minutes later they told his family to come and get their son. His father came with two policemen. They picked up the body and made no more than two steps – we were standing far away – Ahmad Sinjar pressed the button.
Interviewer: By remote control.
‘Adnan Elias: The body exploded on them, and they died.
Interviewer: So his father and the two policemen died.
‘Adnan Elias: Yes sir, and we took off.


michael moore could not be reached for comment.


God help the Iraqi people and protect our servicemen.

"Man creates what he calls history as a screen to conceal the workings of the apocalypse from himself."
- Northrop Frye

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