
questions and calling

some questions that have been on my mind lately:
1. what is true prophecy and why don't we see it that often in the modern church?
2. from genesis, we know that we live under the curse. thus, (i.) has the curse changed post-Christ? and (ii.) what does it mean to live under the curse?
3. are we seeing a trend of increasing mysticism and emotionalization in science? if so, could this be the culmination of the "materialist magician" Lewis wrote of in Screwtape?
4. a la ecclesiastes [and connecting back to question 2], how much should we accept the drudgery of existence? how is drudgery and everydayness supposed to be faithful in the context of a God by Whom all things are possible?

on the personal level, I suck. frankly, I'm amazed that God continues to put up with my sorry, double-faced, faithless, undisciplined, adulterous, and comfortable self. vengeance is the Lord's, and I entirely deserve it. part of this is God-lit self-knowledge, but the greater portion is the result of a life focused on the spiritual indulgence of the moment. so where does God call from here?
- to time spent in His Presence, as painful [illuminating wounded eyes] as it might be right now.
- to the simple acceptance of His grace and the accompanying call to completeness.

I've the beginnings of a call to be a modern voice of God, and I am the least worthy choice. I can think of no one less qualified to speak in the Name of Christ, and perhaps therein lies the glory turned to God and not to His sons. we are part of a lost generation, living near the end of history. apocalyptic talk is much more of present reality than the self-righteous tool of the big-haired. the coming of Christ and our allegiance to Him are the deepest matters of both the moment and eternity, and that depth only sharpens with each moment.

Lord, this is Your people, and they have not even deigned to care enough to reject You. You have been tossed into the background, less relevant to our lives than the smallest of our material comforts. we deserve nothing less than annihilation, and yet You persist in Your call to completeness in, by, and through You. the fact that we exist speaks more about Your mercy and grace than we may ever know.

Lord, reveal our idolatries; reveal our gods and open our eyes. You have already revealed Yourself, and for that we will forever praise You, but Lord we now pray that You would reveal the Reality of our own hearts. we are a people lost in Irreality and in desparate need of Your transforming clarity. oh, what it would be to see us with Your eyes Christ! to see us as You made us to be apart from our brokenness, and therefore to know You that much more! praise You for Your Plan, perfect and complete from the instant of its creation. praise You for the way You see us and for Your clear vision.

night is come, but the light is here.

"Then He said to me, 'Prophecy to these bones and say to them, 'Dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign LORD says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the LORD.'"
- Ezekiel 37: 4-6

southeast asia

prayer and charity. nothing else of human power will suffice.


something else has begun..

well, I am happy to announce that rachel and I are dating. glorious.

yeah, words fail.

four immediate observations:
1. a relationship centered on Christ is totally different than one that isn't. there's a half-dozen things that have intuitively fallen into place that I never even knew were there.
2. God's timing and Promise is infinitely beyond our knowledge and reasoning. it permeates every moment and light of our lives, and it's freaking awesome.
3. humility and eagerness before God are not only powerful (because of His strength in weakness), they are also necessary. speaking of necessities, we also need to let ourselves listen to the Word of God (written and spoken) and stand in the midst of His true Love. we require it in the same way that we require oxygen to breathe.
4. most importantly, when God gives a gift, He doesn't screw around. He not only gives us the desires of our heart abundantly, He does so in such a way that stupifies us.

praise Christ.

we're both eager for what awaits, if a little incredulous. more to come later.

"Immediately the boy's father cried out, 'I believe, help my unbelief!'
- Mark 9:24


it has begun

alas, one cannot resist conformity for long..

so here we are: standing on the brink of eternity, hounded by the desires of the flesh, and illuminated by the light of Reality.

I don't claim to have a special understanding of life, an amazing revelation, or profound wisdom to share with the world. what I do claim is that I have been wakened to new life not of my own, and that the God who authored that life is precious and beautiful without compare. I claim that there is nothing more important or valuable in existence than the Source of life itself and the side-by-side walk He offers us.

flowery language is not needed to convey the simple fact that daylight is here[!] and that the dawn is come.

"It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all. And yet for this reason I found mercy, in order that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience, as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life.
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."

- I Timothy 1:15-17